OAF NFT 2022

OAF NFT 2022

NFT Token ID:

2595 / 3333


Basic (93.34%)

  1. Download Alpha Wallet app *
    Alpha Wallet App
  2. In the app: Choose “I already have a Wallet”
  3. Then choose “Import Existing Wallet”
  4. Enter Seed Phrase: the 12 words (in pink) you find on the card (scratch full silver area)
  5. Import and continue until you see your «Wallet»
  6. Find your NFT in “Collectibles”

Optional: Transfer it to your own blockchain address.

*Feel free to use any other Polygon wallet

  1. Access NFT through Alpha Wallet App ( See manual above «How to access the NFT»)
  2. Click on NFT to see details
  3. Send it to your own blockchain address.